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  • Writer's pictureCallie Crafts

15+ Funniest and Most Relatable Crochet Memes Ever

Welcome, fellow crochet enthusiasts! If you've ever found yourself tangled in yarn or whispering sweet nothings to your crochet hooks, you're in the right place. Crochet isn't just a hobby; it's a way of life, filled with quirks and laugh-out-loud moments. In this post, I've compiled 15+ of the funniest and most relatable crochet memes that perfectly capture our shared passion. Plus, I'll be sharing my personal experiences with each one—because let's face it, we've all been there. Get ready to laugh, nod in agreement, and maybe even learn a thing or two about our beloved craft.

Let's get straight to it 😁


I don't know about you, but for me this is more painful than hearing "NEPA just took the light" (Nigerians will surely understand 😂) or untangling Christmas lights! And the worst part is you knowing or having a banging feeling that this yarn is gonna fail somewhere, but still trusting that it will miraculously suffice. In other cases, before starting the project, you may even have calculated that the New project ≠ Yarn available 😂, but nahhh “we like to play dangerous.” Let me quickly tell you of my own incident. I was crocheting a top and I ran out of yarn towards the end, which was a dark shade of blue; I asked someone to help me make a purchase of the same kind at the market, but “my helper” came back with a different shade of dark blue! You would think I called it quit then, but nope, I choose the dangerous part…again and decided to finish the work with it.



which was one of the two reasons why I could not wear that top I sweat to make.

I'm sure you want to know the second reason; well, here it is, I had made a damning mistake on the collar. Don't blame me, I was a baby crocheter then. Anyways, mistakes are only commas, they're not full stops, hence I transformed the top into an entirely new work of craft.

P.S If you want to see the transformation, check out my pin😊 (and please drop your comments 😙)



I can feel you nodding your head in agreement, “That was me few seconds ago”...or minutes or days…lol. Even if you do not crochet and you're reading this blog, I'm sure you must have had this same experience with some of your stuff and let's face it, it is always a very frustrating moment. There are so many times I would be looking for my stitch marker and I'll be so frustrated, only for me to find it on the edge of my dress where I kept it hooked for safekeeping.😂

Imagine looking for something in every lookable place and not seeing it, and then after you must have probably accused everyone in the house, you come back and meet it in a place YOU PREVIOUSLY CHECKED. Common, that is giving creepy vibes.


What if these naughty hooks and markers actually have legs that they use when we're just not looking and just want to make fools of us (obviously I'm joking 😂). Anyways, I have honestly lost count of how many stitch markers I've misplaced or should I say that ran away from me.

Notice: For this next one, I'll just put it out there that I am not addicted to crocheting, my yarn and hooks are probably the ones addicted to me.


As I said earlier, my hookies and yarnies don't like it when I am away from them. So, I just spend extra time with them for their sake.

I hope you bought this story.

Alright, being serious now, I think it's the excitement that every next row is one step closer to the finishing row, that gets you going on and on. This, and simply just enjoying what you're doing. There is also the fact that clocks do not exist when you enter the world of crocheting. I mean, you seem to just lose track of time and it feels like you're in a different world.

Also,for me, I am always eager to see the final result of my project– how beautiful it would turn out – and that is majorly what keeps me going. I am of the opinion that this is also the case for most crocheters. If no, then leave your opinion in the comments section.


This has to be the best feeling ever. You're just wearing that beautiful crochet beach dress; or top, or carrying that fabulous crochet bag and then a random someone or a friend stops you and says “Wow, this is so beautiful, and the quality is giving. What's your plug, I would love to get it?” and you're just like “I made it” or “I'm the plug”; and then seeing the awe-struck look on their faces, Guys, common now, it's a priceless moment.😂

Sometimes, they may not even go as far as asking where you bought it, it may just be a compliment like “aw this is so beautiful”, but you will want to put it out there that this is a product of your hands. Having people appreciate something that took you time and effort to craft is just another level of compliment, and this is something that really warms my heart. This could even be the start of a great business for you because the admirer may then request your services and BOOM…passion would meet profit💸


Honestly, this is never a funny moment. If you want to use a YouTube tutorial for a particular project, I highly recommend you watching the video to a reasonable extent first to ensure that you will not encounter any problems later on. Check whether you're able to keep up with the pace of the tutor and whether the tutor is really “tutoring” because in some cases, you may just end up being stuck or trying to figure out how to get it right yourself 😭.

Sometimes, it's not even about the tutor or the video, it may just be that the project you thought would be ABC turned out to be Algebra. I had this experience when I wanted to crochet a lace patterned top. I decided to use a YouTube tutorial video as my guide. I was four rows into it when I asked myself “What did I get myself into🥲”. To add to this, I had merged a baby-blue colored yarn with a cream one to form one yarn, and how the physical outlook turned out was so different from the mental picture I had;

So what did I do with it?

It's currently in my basket of unfinished projects…my bad, and it was supposed to be a surprise birthday gift to my mom, but…

Oh well…


Really, this could be so frustrating for a crochet beginner; you're like a baby still learning how to walk and this is literally the test of your patience WITH YOURSELF. When I started learning how to crochet, I used to get so frustrated with myself and wonder why I just didn't seem to get it. It got to the point where I literally ALMOST CRIED. Yes, it was that bad, but if you're a crochet beginner reading this, a word of advice:-

Don't be like me! 😂

Do not be to hard on yourself and expect to learn everything at once. I was too eager and I just wanted to know everything at once, but life is gradual and so is crocheting; just enjoy every learning process and see yourself build to perfection 😚.


Do you want to know the love language of crocheters? It's yarn, yes, YARN. Just gift us yarns for birthdays; buy me yarn if you make me angry; randomly buy me yarn. Honestly, you do not have to worry about my already-full closet of yarn because with yarn, there's no overdose 😁. I mean, there are so many different projects that require so many different types of yarn, like chunky blanket yarn would serve really well for a blanket project, while milk cottom yarn would do well for certain garment projects; so how could you think I have enough yarn! So, gift us yarns!

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (in Mr Krabs voice)

(SpongeBob lovers will understand 😂)

(P.s Gimme=Give me)


I think I should give this notice before I start any project, so my friends won't be offended when they don't see me online or when I don't show up with them for daysss or monthsss. I mean, I am actually busy, it is not my fault 👀

and multitasking is not advisable you know😮‍💨.


I am still waiting for someone to come and wake me up from my dreams but until then I will keep dreaming. I mean, you know deep down inside your heart of hearts that those yarns you have labeled and put project names on, once you put them away in the storage closet, you're probably not looking there again till the next year or the next or… the next or… the next.

Sigh…It is well😂😂


I promise, I am not lying, I and my unfinished works in progress have an understanding agreement and we're definitely sorting things out😂.

Here is the situation:

•You see a pattern, you love it, you decide to make it

•You start the project, and right in the middle of it, you see another beautiful pattern,

•Because you're so eager, you decide to start with that and probably do both on rotation.

• (by now you may have probably lost interest in the previous one 😔) and then the cycle continues.

Though, I'm sure some other times, it may probably just be some other engagements that kept you busy and you just did not find the time to come back to that poor project again.

Only time will tell the fate of those UFPs: some will make it, while others may…not.


Have you ever experienced this?

Mehnnn! It's like going to the market with a planned budget and then on arriving there and seeing the varieties, you end up doing…what do they call it again 🤔…yes, impulse buying.

So many times, I'd decide that THIS is what I'll be making and then end up changing my mind to THAT; but honestly speaking, the complicated patterns are always more alluring than the simple ones…at least they seem to be until you delve into it, then you realize you should have just stuck to the simpler one and prevented yourself from this headache 😂. That's what happened to me with the crochet lace top pattern and I just did not have the energy then to continue, I hope I find inspiration to do so soon though.


For this, all I can say is “hmmmm”. Please, if you're currently considering getting this color and you know you're someone that does not like stress like me, please just majestically turn to the opposite direction of getting light colored yarns; because straining those wonderful eyes is not healthy for them eyes (at least that's what my mama says)

These dark colored yarns really have so many “dark” features; I mean, just imagine you were in the 61st count of stitches, using a dark colored yarn and your cute little child or sibling or niece or nephew or…any other little cutie 🥺 interrupted you in all cuteness; ma chéries, you and I know the outcome already 😭;not only will you be re-counting those stitches, but you will be doing so while straining your eyes. Whatever happens, please just don't take out your frustration on that cutie😔. Remember my crochet project from earlier on that I said I gave a transformation, hmmm, I really suffered when I was looking for the finishing knots to untie so I could re-use the yarn; I could hardly see what I was doing, but I am not a quitter. I knew one of us would be going down and it would not be me😤.

I prevailed eventually.


Honestly, if you ask me, I would just keep going, especially if it’s a complex pattern, so long as there is no great damage to the

project 😃, because what other option do you have, loosening the entire 25 rows????

Nahh, give me another option other than that😂.


This is just like calling a lecturer a teacher, or a teacher a lecturer. I mean, there are similarities, but there are also distinguishing factors. So, just call something WHAT IT IS. I'll pardon you when you make this mistake the first time, because I was once like that; I actually didn't know the difference between crocheting and knitting; but please take to corrections 😩. It gets annoying when you repeatedly tell someone that something is not what they think it is and the person repeatedly keeps getting it wrong.



If I catch the person that started this advice, I'll flog you😂. (I'm joking)

Every time I do this, I just end up in a tangled mess. So, now I just stick to removing my yarn wrap and taking it from the end like a normal human being 👀.

Let me tell you a little story;

So for most of my projects, I use Yéye yarn (it's a light weight yarn that's very common in Nigeria and maybe in Africa too) and because it's lightweight, I have to double the yarn for thickness. Usually, I just get two skeins of the yarn and make use of both as one yarn; but one day, a crocheter friend of mine told me I could use one skein and still double it.

So my curious self asked her how, and she told me that I'll just take the end of the yarn from around the body and then get the other end by pulling from the middle.

I don't know whether the problem was from my hand or the yarn because when I tried it…just know I regretted it😂.

I'll leave that one to those that are skilled in doing it and just stick to the simple one I know pleaseee.



If you know you want to buy a particular yarn and you have created a budget for it, make sure you to be resolved and wrap a shield around your heart so it doesn't melt when you see other “unplanned” yarns calling out to you in seduction to buy them, because they seem to be more appealing than what you originally came to get😂.


Actually, I saw this somewhere and I added it here because it's just funny 😂. Like, what do you mean they are machine washable? The handmade crochet dress I made is machine washable? The fabulous bag is machine washable? Huh?? You better hand-wash them. Period! 🤣


Starting a new crochet project? You imagine a neat, tidy ball of yarn and the perfect creation ahead. But then reality strikes: a tangled mess of yarn that’s more frustrating than fun. Who knew a simple project could test your patience this much? This particular one just made me remember a pin I saw where the You Tuber was showing how her yarn got tangled in the middle of video shooting. Yikes! That is so terribly annoying.

This is where you see Expectation vs. Reality at it's finest.


So, my favorite guys; fellow crocheters and non-crocheters, we have come to the end of this blog…for now. Thank you for staying till the end and I really hope you enjoyed it just as I did when writing it, or probably even more!

If there are other funny or frustrating crochet experiences you have had and are not captured here, feel free to share with us in the comment section of this pin, you may be surprised to see that other people may have had the sane experience as you😉.



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